Sunday, April 28, 2013


Flat Rock Lizards
9  subspecies are recognized.
Native: Africa

3-6 inches (10”  large)

Temperature: 70-85°

Nighttime temperature: 65 and 75°. Infrared Heat Lamp

Humidity: 35 %percent.

Lighting: UV / UVB lighting helps prevent or reverse metabolic bone disease and UVA increases feeding, mating, and other natural behaviors (12-14 hours)

** Powder their greens and bugs in Calcium Vitamin D3 before serving

Feeding: Crickets, mealworms and waxworms. Adult lizards should be fed 3-4 times per week; some juveniles can be fed twice daily during their growing period.

Water: Shallow Dish. Misting the enclosure regularly should allow for enough water intake. 

** Beware of over-misting the enclosure. It can cause mold.

Housing:  10-30 gallon terrarium. A screen lid is essential for proper air exchange. The enclosure must include a high basking area, hiding space (preferably made of rocks), and a "cool" area to allow for thermoregulation.